Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I am amazed at how little government and politics have progressed. All the back stabbing and two-faced lies have really opened my eyes....not much has changed in the last 300 years. I am fascinated with the early age in which these men attended Harvard.


  1. I have to agree with you. My thought while writing my learning log.. How did Jefferson get held in so high esteem? I know he purchased Louisiana Territory from the French. But how did we not see what Alexander Hamilton saw in him. (Not saying Alexander Hamilton was a saint)

    As I talk to my wife about these things, she is shocked that the "founding fathers" were so deceptive. HOW DID JEFFERSON GET ON THE HILL IN SOUTH DAKOTA?

  2. Did they ever paid the Louisiana Purchase?

  3. I was an innocent before reading this, honestly. I have always admired these early leaders so much, oblivious to all of the back stabbing that went on. I guess people are people no matter what, but I still look up to them for all of their contributions.

  4. Politics haven't changed much, I agree. All you have to do is turn on the news or check out the news on the internet. You don't, however, see many 14 or 15 year olds going to university in this day and age. (The 14 to15 year old population are more concerned with the kind of phone they have, what songs are on their ipod, and the recent fashions. I don't think John Adams and others had distractions that were that intense.) Have you ever read the requirements to pass the 8th grade in the 1800's? I read it somewhere and find that what is required these days is so little, compared to that era. Progress? Hmmm.......


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