Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wow!! What a Trip!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Taking the Measure of John Adams
Monday, June 7, 2010
Walking, Ponds, and Getting Excited.
Marzano Lesson #2 Compare/Contrast
Next students put the information about dogs and cats into a Comparison Matrix, to show the specific similarities and differences. As teams, the students chose the items to compare.
Then we took this strategy to the Civil War. (We didn’t do this until we had completed our Civil War Unit) As teams, students choose things to compare. These are possibilities but I did not limit them to the following items.
North/South Northerner/Southerner
Slave/free black black child/white child
Rebel soldier/Union soldier slave/master
Lincoln/Davis Grant/Lee
They started by filling out a Venn Diagram, listing as many similarities and differences as possible. Then they took this to a Comparison Matrix choosing the specific items to be compared.
Finally they wrote a story modeled after the book, I am the Dog, I am the Cat.
Reflection: I really liked this activity and although I used it with the Civil War, it could be used in any unit where comparisons are valid. The students seemed to be able to do this quite well because we started whole class and I guided them through identifying the similarities and differences in the book we read. (The book is great for this) Most of the students are very familiar with Venn Diagrams but it helped to start with a Comparison Matrix whole class using the dog and cat book.
I saw some great work and some deep thinking in this activity. Most of the students really enjoyed learning about the Civil War, so they were excited to use their knowledge and make the comparisons. I think it helped to give them some choice on what they could write about. I also think that it helped them to work in groups, but I would love to take this to an individual project comparing something else. (next year)
Last minute questions...
Also, I have run off my 45 copies of my research paper and that alone weighs a few pounds, which I will still have (the weight) because we will be trading papers soon. Our instructions are to bring a fanny pack or small backpack but how is all the paperwork/binder going to fit into something that small?
Ok, now that you can see I am stressing over silly things, what are your solutions as I am open to any and all. Thanks, Pat Drussel
John again....
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Sleeping with John Adams...
Message to my daughters...
Message to my daughters from John Adams and me…
I couldn’t help but smile as I came upon the tender letter John Adams wrote to his daughter, Nappy regarding her escalating relationship:
Daughter! Get you an honest man for a husband, and keep him honest. NO matter whether he is rich, provided he be independent. Regard the honor and moral character of the man more than all other circumstances. Think of no other greatness but that of the soul, no other riches but those of the heart. An honest, sensible, humane mane above all the littleness of vanity and extravagances of imagination, laboring to do good rather than e rich, to be useful rather than make a show, living in modes simplicity clearly within his means and free from debts and obligations, is really the most respectable man in society, makes himself and all about him most happy.
This is what my mother taught me and what I wish for you both!
This is a facebook posting I send to my daughters. Thanks John for helping me out on this one!
Our current errand...
Errand into the Wilderness…
It was interesting as I read the text dripping with piety as they described their “mission” to become a shining example of Christianity to the world. As their ambitions crumbled giving way to human nature, I was struck with a quote from the text…”Having failed to rivet the eyes of the world upon their city on the hill, they were left alone with America.” This reminded me of the circumstances we as a nation are facing now. Now we are left alone with America and all of the triumphs and tragedies present. We have some pretty deep political issues to solve. I believe we can look to the past for the remedy. Our strength lies within. It’s time to shoulder responsibility for our current state of affairs and quit wasting time assigning blame. The time is short and the need for great minds and quick thinking is dire. Where are the John Adams’ of our generation? Our errand is now upon us.
Dancing through the Declaration...Marzano
Marzano Lesson Plan 2:
I was excited to see that Marzano and I both agree on the idea of kinesthetic activities to facilitate authentic learning. As part of my poetry unit, students are required to memorize the preamble of the Declaration of Independence each year. A prospect many find daunting. This year, with the help of Marzano, I decided to try it a little differently.
Utilizing kinesthetic movements as a mnemonic device.
Instructional Procedures:
1. Start with each student writing out the preamble and identifying words they don’t understand. 2. Look up the unknown words and add them to the vocabulary lists for the week. 3 Have the students come up with hand motions to help demonstrate the idea of the meaning of those words. For instance; my students decided that pointing to their eyes for the words “self evident” would denote that it’s so obvious that you should simply be able to see something that is “self evident.” 4. Continue on throughout the text identifying words and connecting them to a physical action that demonstrates the meaning 5. After all of the difficult words have been identified and categorized through movement, put it all together into a big, loud choral experience that allows students to “move” through the desired memorization.
Have students work as teams to come up with the “best” physical representations and compete for placement in the class’ final compilation of movement
Assessment Plan: Students must “pass off” the memorization in either a private or a classroom setting. Both instances are covered in the Utah State Core, so you could even utilize both manners of assessment and have them build off of each other, for instance: have the student pass of the memorization first privately and then have a final public presentation to follow.
(Marzano:Classroom Instruction that Work, pages 82-83)
Reflections: I couldn’t believe the difference in the ease in which my students memorized this beautiful passage. We reviewed it each morning right after the pledge. It was kind of elegant to follow the pledge with our very active version of the Declaration of Independence! I watched them enjoy the whole memorization process instead of finding it drudgery. By the time we were finished with the whole thing, my students had created a physical interpretation of the Declaration of Independence that will stay with all of us. Thanks Marzano!
Dr Seuss, Marzano and I...
Marzano Lesson Plan 1:
In much of his writing, Marzano discusses the idea that learning is much more effective when prior knowledge is activated, synthesized and then applied. I devised this lesson plan to stimulate that prior knowledge activation and infused it with a little fun. The synthesizing and application aspects follow with the assessment phase.
This is a creative and fun way for students to grasp the meanings and applications of prefixes and suffixes.
Main Curriculum Tie:
Language Arts - 8th Grade
Standard 2 Objective 3
(Revision and Editing): Revise and edit to strengthen ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions.
1 large piece of butcher paper for each small group of students
Instructional Procedures:
1. Start with a list of the suffixes and prefixes on the board. Have the students write the definitions of each suffix and prefix along with examples of words that utilize them. 2. Read any Dr. Seuss book aloud to the class paying special attention to the creative use of inventive vocabulary. 3 Have the students "Seusize" words by creating new words with the prefixes and suffixes. Note...make sure that the true meaning of the suffixes and prefixes stay in tact with the new "Seusized" words. 4. Divide students into groups. Each group has a piece of butcher paper with one of the suffixes and prefixes written in marker at the top of the page. The students in each group read their "Seusized" words that correspond with the prefix or suffix on the paper. 5. The group comes to consensus and picks their two favorite words and writes the words, their definitions and a sentence on the paper and passes it to the next group until all group have added their two best "Seusized" words to the corresponding list. 6. Send the completed lists again around the class and have each group put gold star stickers beside 1 favorite word on each sheet. Display the winning words for each prefix and suffix around the room.
Have students take either the "winning words" or their personal list of "Seusized" prefixes and suffixes and create a story. These stories can be presented in a PowerPoint format and presented to the class.
Assessment Plan: Graphic Organizer for Analogies:
Students are given a list of root words and prefixes and suffixes. To successfully pass, each student creates a new word and explains how the prefix or suffix directs the meaning and then creates a graphic organizer illustrating an analogy for that new word.
(Marzano:Classroom Instruction that Work, pages 26-28)
Reflections: My students loved this activity. The analogies they came up with just seemed to “cement” that understanding of prefixes and suffixes. Their analogies were hilarious and very astute.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Marzano Lesson Summarizing
1. Characters: Who are the main characters?
2. Setting/ s: Where did most of the book take place?
3. Problem: What was the main problem the characters faced?
4. Solution: How was the problem solved?
5. Opinion: What did you like or dislike about the book?
This became the focus of their book reports. They had to delete minor characters. They had to analyze and report the main setting or settings. They had to think deeply to figure out the main problem and solution. They were able to end with their opinion of the book.
Reflection: Using this simple summary frame really helped my students. They were able to get much better at choosing the most important information, delete unneeded information, practice and come up with a good concise book summary. In the past I have found that it is hard for students to pick the most important information to tell about. Some want to tell every little detail and others tell parts without getting to the plot of the book. This solved my problem with book reports, helped students learn and practice summaries and helped them with thinking and analyzing along with practice story elements.
personal errand
Errand into the wilderness
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Help Help Help
I still have one extra ticket for the Red Sox Game Friday Night.
Call me if you are interested, I don't want to get stuck. 801-558-7308.
(Helama it would be nice if you stepped up)
Marzano Lesson
Reflections: Walden's Pond and a Bath tub in a Pasture
I grew up as a kid with a beautiful grassy pasture behind our house, and my Dad put in a small pond beneath the massive dense Black Willow trees for the 4-5 cows that roamed the field. Eventually Dad built us a tree house that my brothers and i spent hours and hours in right next to the pond.
At the north end of the pasture were two bathtubs one draining into the other that Dad used as watering troughs. Dad used to do all the duties of maintaining the needs of the field and the cows. Now, that Dad has passed on, it has come to me to carry on these duties. Well, I'm a rookie at these sorts of things. Over the winter the tubs evaporate out leaving all the decomposed leaves and muck at the bottom. (I didn't know that you were supposed to drain them and then flip them over so they don't crack in the winter). As i was cleaning the tubs and refilling them the water drained out of the first tub. It was then that i noticed the plug, an old wooden plug that my dad had carved out of a hunk of wood some 15 years before. I pulled the plug out and held it up, sure enough, there was a hole right in the middle of it. As i held up this plug, so many reflections of Dad, the field, the tree house by the pond came pouring back to me. It was then that a wave of appreciation of Thoreau's reflections around his pond settled in my mind, sorta like putting a new plug in the tub so water could once more reflect the beauty of the trees and life around it.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Almost time ...
I feel a little like Helama 'n' when he mention that so much of this was new to him. I look forward to conversing, traveling, and sharing insights with all of you. See you in a week hopefully with my assigned paper making sense. Pat Drussel
Thoughts on "Deep Thinkers" in Retrospect
- I feel as if I am sticking my neck out, but, life is a gamble at times. Thoreau states: “A man, any man, will go considerably out of his way to pick up a silver dollar; but here are golden words, which the wisest men of antiquity have uttered, and whose worth the wise of every succeeding age have assured us of; - and yet we learn to read only as far as Easy Reading, the primers and class-books, and when we leave school, the Little Reading and story books which are for boys and beginners; and our reading, our conversation and thinking, are all on a very low level, worthy of pygmies and manikans (sp). I aspire to be acquainted with wiser men than this, our Concord soil has produced. (I must remember that he was a transcendentalist and they were accustomed to the frequent use of their thumbs and noses.) Thoreau had his right to his own opinion. There may have been great literature in the past that came from great minds of great and important thinkers in their day, (I wouldn’t know; I have never read any of his favorites. I was one who left off reading much of anything as I entered junior high on through high school. It wasn’t until after I went to college that I “woke” up to reading, writing, learning, thinking, and in general the world of higher learning, etc.) Nevertheless, it seems more than a little conceited and ego-centric to make the kinds of statements he was wont to do in Walden, on any of his chosen topics. It is as if his experience and thoughts make his “knowledge/experience” the only good and true sentiments there are regarding anything he chose to write about in Walden. (Again, I keep forgetting that the universe revolved around him and others like him.) He, in my opinion, was wrong about the veracity and worth of the thinking and writing of any “that Concord has produced.” This is only one instance I believe he is wrong because the “founding fathers” were also great thinkers/writers; at least some of them. To compare them, though with earlier, ancient writers/thinkers, though, I cannot because I have no experience. But from what I’ve read, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Monroe were widely read, and deep thinkers. I suppose one could call them students also of the great ancients. Granted, many of his contemporaries borrowed ideas and thoughts to form their own opinions too, but those early writings also had their beginnings elsewhere and not alone in the minds and hearts of their authors. There were many who preceded him in this life, having had their roots and lives in and around Concord and environs who were indeed very deep thinkers and writers, with as much talent as any, I assume, from the recent or ancient past. I know that I am not in possession of all that I should be in the way of information and experience to really intelligently give my opinion, so...including the castigation I have given him. John Adams, among others, not to mention his son, John Quincy, were of the talent, ability, and intellect that he so touts in his “ancient” thinkers. It was to these new-age intellectual giants that the mission on earth was given to establish a nation, under God, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with rights....life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Show me any of the ancient intellectuals that was ever an equal to the Sons of the Revolution, the Patriots, and had the talent, courage, and tenacity to see it through to the end. They were saved for this time to come forth and achieve what they did. The ancients also had their day and did their part. If he wants to hang with his ancient friends and their so-called talent and wisdom, so be it. It was the more recent talent in men that gave Thoreau and others the freedom to live in this land, and choose as they might. The world passed him by, and apparently unnoticed, as he could only see or want himself to be associated with those “who were wiser...than this, our Concord soil has produced.” But, maybe that's not fair and maybe that's not what he meant at all.
Random thoughts on Adams (part 1)
1. "He was a known talker," (pg. 17). This just made chuckle and think of the scene from 1776-The Musical where it is agreed that Adams should not propose independence because he's "obnoxious and disliked." Well, we like you now Adams.
2. Although we can remember John and Abigail as having a wonderful, loving relationship, I think it's important to remember her contribution to the discussion of the American experiment. She was WAY ahead of her time when she tells John in a letter to "remember the ladies." I get irritated when my students dismiss historical figures like Abigail as nothing more than a spouse of so and so. Her thoughts on the young Republic, slavery, and revolution are important to study as well.
3. Just to mess with my students, I teach the American Revolution from the British perspective. For example, I point out the citizens in the Mother country were paying considerably higher taxes than the colonists, and that Parliament actually LOWERED the tax on tea prompting the Boston Tea Party (which is why the modern Tea Party movement confuses me with their name) which would have meant cheaper tea for the colonists. McCullough's description of the Stamp Act, the violence in Boston, and the war itself (pg. 59) will give me added fodder for my discussion. I never knew that the phrase "No taxation without representation" had already been used by the Irish years before (pg. 61).
4. Adams' quote on pg. 101 will help my discussion on the birth of political parties and the Federalist Party: "I am more convinced that man is a dangerous creature, and that power whether vested in many or few is ever grasping."
5. Lastly, the one key concept I push on my American Government students more than any other is that we are a nation of rules, not rulers. I really emphasize to my kids that this had NEVER been done before, that every other civilization had been ruled by a king, queen, prince, pope, emperor, dictator, czar, or Sith Lord. I'm still not sure they appreciate that fact. Thank you James Harrington when he talks about creating "an empire of laws and not of men," (pg. 102).
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Louisa May Alcott
- A true Utopian community of Transcendentalists was probably a rare thing even then. I was intrigued by the information regarding Timon Lion intending to found a colony of Latter Day Saints. Latter Day Saints(Mormons) are not and were never Transcendentalists in any sense of the word, in my opinion. How the two males, Lion and Lamb, ever thought they could take off into new territory, leasing? someone’s property, unskilled in farming, per se, and also uninitiated in hard manual labor, and succeed at an enterprise such as they had intended. I suppose Louisa May felt somewhat bitter about her experience, and I don’t blame her. But, I am unsure in that regard as I don’t know enough yet about her’s or other’s experiences to judge. Interesting how the mother was able to “hang in” there in spite of the conduct of the males in the company that found rather convenient times to be absent when important manual labor needed to be performed. And then at last, after the bottom had fallen out of the whole scheme and Abel is bent on seeing the adventure through to the end, including the extreme measure of committing suicide through starvation. He is able to see what in his world was truly most important: his wife and little girls. I have to hand it to his wife who prayed for him to live and shed honest tears over his rapturous decision to exit this world through his self-imposed starvation and just giving up. Perhaps it was her good natured commitment and her instinct to provide for family, and in this case, husband, that kept her going. Such pluck. I like the line: “Cheer up, dear heart, for while there is work and love in the world we shall not suffer.” Then, as the frostbitten apple falls to the earth after his comment on the failure of Fruitlands, “Don’t you think Apple Slump would be a better name for it, dear?” Alcott’s wisdom and humor in the story probably also helped her to survive as well as her own mother, through the “ordeal”, as it were, that they lived under themselves. The hand that rocks the cradle......women. Angels among us actually. I know from experience that I married an angel myself, but not before having been previously married to two devils. I’ve written a tune, and had intended it to be humorous, but it turned out quite serious, actually. The title: “When I Die, I’ll Go to Heaven (Cause I’ve Already Lived Through Hell), sums it up for me. Maybe Alcott's story is her way of dealing with the "Hell" she'd been through and was trying to just poke fun. "Crisis plus time equals humor." Sorry to get personal; hope no one is offended. Oh well.
Random thoughts on Hawthorne
1. Most of his works have this theme that we can't outrun the sins of our fathers and that the mistakes one generation makes will always come back to haunt future ones. This just seems un-American to me! One of the things that makes this country great is that we are not beholden to the sins of our decendents (thankfully for me!) and that you can rise (or fall) on your own ambition and abilities. I like the transcendenetalists for believeing that people should not be stuck with tradition and past prejudices. This was a huge break from European thinking, yet Hawthorne perpetuates this idea with his works. Jerk.
2. Other themes Hawthorne likes: hypocrisy, witchcraft, and Puritan guilt. Gripping reading! It seems sad when there were so many other genres to write about: the American frontier (see James Fenimore Cooper), the blank slate of American politics and psyche (see Alexis deToqueville). Instead he gets bogged down with that stuff. Lame.
3. He was always burning his unsold manuscripts and copies. This sounds pretty petty to me. Either he was too concerned with commercial success or he was overly self-conscious. This sounds like the 16 year-old girl who trashes her room becasuse she wasn't asked to prom. Sorry if I've offended any Hawthorne fans out there. Or 16 year-old girls.
4. At the risk of sounding naive, 'Young Goodman Brown' was a bit confusing. Was it all a dream or what? What's the moral of the story? I think I need more practice at reading 19th century works. As for 'A Rill from a Town Pump' it made me very thirsty. It was very entertaining to read though. I think I like his stuff that doesn't involve soul-crushing guilt.