Sunday, June 6, 2010

personal errand

Another connection i made with the Miller piece was this idea of going on an errand. The beginning talks of two types: a person going on a mission for a superior and someone going on their own errand or mission. Which of these types of errand am i on regarding the studies for this seminar? Am i doing the readings because they were assigned by the instructors and that is what they want me to do? Or, am i completing these things because i am on my own journey for intellectual advancement? Do I see them as tasks or burdens, or i am using them as a manner of becoming a more informed educator? I hope the latter is the case.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same dilemma, at first I was doing them because I was assigned them and then part way through I became very interested in the message they were trying to get through. Also the dialogue that was created from each reading was wonderful.


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