Thursday, June 3, 2010

Help Help Help

Ebay failed. I can't sell this ticket.

I still have one extra ticket for the Red Sox Game Friday Night.

Call me if you are interested, I don't want to get stuck. 801-558-7308.

(Helama it would be nice if you stepped up)


  1. Make me an offer. I need to get something for this ticket.

  2. I have been to a Red Sox game before and it is awesome! Even if you don't love baseball being in that historic stadium is amazing! Someone should talk advantage of this and come!

  3. Steve, in case you haven't sold the ticket. Our neighbor just came back on Friday and said that he bought a ticket from a scalper outside the stadium. Not necessarily the best financially, but if all else fails, he said you could easily sell it to someone the night you go. Just a thought.

  4. how much is the ticket for, i would be interested in going to a game and ws to busy to make the time to search?


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