Monday, May 31, 2010

All learning logs are completed!

I guess this is a crazy post but I am so excited to complete my final learning log. Was this hard for the rest of you to complete these? Some of the articles were really interesting and others were very hard to get through, but I did learn a lot through the process and am glad to be done. Many of these authors were great and very deep thinkers. Do we have as many authors who think so deeply today or are our authors just out to hit the best seller list?

Some of my favorites were "Paul Revere's Ride." "The Village Blacksmith," The Anne Bradstreet poetry, the history of William Bradford, Benjamin Franklin and Washington Irving. Maybe I liked the ones that I had more background knowledge, and connections for That is probably similar to our students. I guess in some areas we need to provide that to them to help them understand better.


  1. I agree about needing to provide the background knowledge for our students. And we often need to help them understand vocabulary when reading things like this. Even though some of the packets came with some background knowledge of the people, I still struggled with understanding the poetry.

  2. I finally finished reading the articles this past weekend. All 26 of them? I felt that I did gain a better understanding by reading and I do have a better knowledge of the authors and history. I found myself researching past the articles because I needed more background knowledge to understand some of the articles. Why did he/she write the article? Was there a crisis? etc. Some of the articles I would have to look up words I didn't understand.

  3. I finished the reading and logs yesterday also. My sense of relief was a great as my sense of accomplishment when I printed them all out today at school. (I did mine on the computer.) It was a tall stack of stuff! Now I just need to revise/edit my mini research paper, format it correctly, and make 45 hole-punched copies. YAY! Now I'm really getting excited for the seminar.
    Ann Houmand

  4. I am wondering if some of us have "commented" on other writings without using the "Post Comment" section to do so. I hope that all of us who just posted a comment via "Post Blog" section are okay with that part of the assignment. We thought we had done it correctly. As concerns Nancy's excitement over finishing the work, I felt just as she felt. It has been a roller coaster ride doing all the work, and while I certainly was frustrated along the way trying to get it all done on time, I am glad that I followed through and learned so much more about both our beginnings in history and literature.


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