Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Non Linguistic/Kinesthetic Activity

I have found that using non linguistic and kinesthetic activities in classroom instruction helps to make history come alive for my students. When I taught my students about slave life on plantation. I gave each student a cotton bole. They had to remove the seeds from the cotton. I showed them pictures of slaves filling boots, barrels,and baskets with the cotton. They could imagine what life would have been like having to pick enough cotton and remove enough seeds to fill the baskets each day. As they worked on their cotton, I read some excerpts to them from the book, To Be a Slave, where it described cotton picking. I also had them listen to some spirituals. Because it was a hands-on activity, students realized a little better what the life of a slave was like and remember it better than if they had simply read it from a book and done a worksheet.


  1. I think this is a great activity using different intelligences. They'll create new schema here and be able to access it later on.

  2. Where do you get the cotton boles?

  3. You can get the cotton bolls from Utah state at this website:


  4. That is great to know that you can get the cotton bolls from USU. I will try that next year. Thanks for the idea.

  5. My students also do much better with those types of activities. At the end of the year, those are always the things they remember best.

  6. Thank you for the great idea! I needed some hands on activities regarding slavery and this will be perfect. We do a lot of nonlinguistic activities based on History and Science and my students would choose these over most others as well.


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