Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reflective Blog about my lessons

My first lesson plan with the students went alright, but not as well as I was hoping. There was more of the students trying to make their construction paper decorative, instead of working on their poem and facts. The map on the white board was very helpful, and was a great opening and closing factor. The students were successful when they were asked to find facts and information about their explorer, but they did not find as much information as I was expecting them to find. I would do this differently next time.

My second lesson plan with my students went better than the first lesson plan, and I really loved the cooperative learning aspect of it. I really liked how the students were able to use the graphic organizer to sort out their thoughts. The students were able to use the graphic organizer to find topics and write details out for that. The thing that I liked the best, was that at the end the students were about to get up in front of the class to describe their group to the rest of the students. I and most of the students enjoyed the note-taking process.

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