Monday, May 24, 2010

Summarizing and Note Taking (Oral added) Lesson 1

Strategy Template for Foundations of American History and Literature
Name: Helama Pereira
1st Grade – Language Arts

Strategy: Summarizing Rope

Materials needed:
Word wall laminated and colored coded white, red, green, and blue.
Colored pencils
Retelling rope
Book: “Do Like a Duck Does”, by Judy Hindley and Ivan Bates.
White paper
Content area: (Comprehension) the students will summarize retelling the story and using the necessary vocabulary to develop fluency.

USOE Core Standard and Objective: Standard 7 (Comprehension): Students will be able to understand, interpret, and analyze grade level text. Object 2: Apply strategies to comprehend text by retelling using important ideas/events and supporting details in sequence, compile information from the text).

Procedure for using strategy:
• Review colored coded word wall to help the students review vocabulary for the summary).
• Show the book “Do like a duck does” by Judy Hindley and Ivan Bates. Having the students showing the signals for each word read and acting the action verbs.
• Review the summary map and the sneak and peak after reading the book, so the children can initiate the process of retelling summary. Give the students the sneak and peak material to help with the summary rope.
• Explain the students that today we will use another strategy to summarize and move to written summary using the rope summary.
• Have students create 4 colored coded sentences to summarize the book.
• Once all the students have a summary ropes, just retell the story orally using: Where, When, Who, Problem, First, Next, Then, At the end.
• Divide the class in pairs and have the students retell using the rope to remember what to say according to the knots.


• Once the students are done with the entire oral retelling summary they will transfer the sentences into this 4 square graphic organizer and turn the paper in. Illustration is allowed. Evaluation will be followed used the 6 traits of writing.
PS note - Just as an information on my lesson plan it is true that when children in young grades learn how to orally summarize they master faster the concept of note taking and summary skills, one of the hardest concepts in language arts to be acquired among all grades.

Retelling Rope Nonfiction







At the end...

Have a rope with laminated squares with a drawing in each one of the retelling notification. You as a teacher with make a hole punch and with a strong tape you will tie this to the thicker rope a not is supposed to be there attached with your rope (the students are supposed to see to remember where they are in the retelling sequence, and in the future they are supposed to remember without seeing making the use of just the not, later on moving to independent retelling strategy without the rope). Practice and model to students the use of it. It is very tactile and very effective in general instruction. Teachers are able to reach students with special needs, and low achievers as they are very tactile.

Use rubrics to grade student experience in retelling as well.

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