Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Need help with Emerson

Dear Blogger Friends,

I was wondering if any of you are having any trouble with the reading and understanding of the Emerson article. Possibly some of you can help give me some insight to what in the world he is talking about. In some ways it seems that he just keeps saying the same thing over and over. If any of you have any insight to this writer, and could help me to understand what in the world he is trying to say, I would appreciate your help. Perhaps, some of you that teach literature may have a better understanding of his work. I hope I am not the only individual in this group that is struggling with this article.

Thanks for any help.
Louise Isham


  1. I know I'm going back to a post that has been here awhile, but I actually did mean to respond...and, well, here it is now. Emerson is difficult to understand without taking a look at the Transcendental Movement. There were German and British Transcendentalists before it 'washed up" on American shores. Emerson was the most popular speaker for the American movement, based on seeking truth on a level that transcends the everyday observable experience. Nature is quite central to Emerson's idea of truth and beauty. He sees Art as Nature distilled through man. Really, the best way to get useful background on this is to check it out with a search engine and peruse a few short articles. Once you understand Emerson's definitions on a few things, it fits more easily into place. I hope that helps...and that you still find this.

  2. I am beginning this article tonight, thanks for the insight, I have been putting it off!

  3. I struggled with this article as well as some of the other "stuff" we were given to digest. I really appreciate David's comments about understanding Emerson. I think I am on the right track but I will check out some of the other sights on line to understand Emerson and others better.


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