Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lesson Plan #1

This lesson plan is for 5th grade

Objective: Students will be able to construct a poem about the explorer that they were given.

Materials Needed:
* A hat
* Explorer Names
* Pieces of paper ripped into 3" by 2" pieces
* Writing Paper for each student
* Construction Paper for each student
* Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils/ Etc. for each student\
* Class set of Encyclopedias
* Their own decorating items they brought from home

Put a map of the routes that the Explorers have taken up on the board. Remind students that we have been talking about explorers. There will be a poem up on the board, and students will learn that poems can explain things/people.

Talk to the students about explorers, what they did, and why they were trying to find new places or things. Write down the name of specific explorers, put them in a hat, and then have the students pick out a name.
Tell them that they are going to create a poem about the explorer they were given. They need to add some information to their poem, at least 3-5 facts. (encyclopedias can be used if needed)
Students will decorate their construction paper to make it look exciting and fancy.
After their poem is finished , students will get into groups of students with the same explorer, and talk about their explorer. Each student will also read their own poem to their group.
After the individual work and group work is finished, the teacher will review the explorers. The route that each explorer took will also be shown on the map that was posted on the board in the beginning.

Check their poems to make sure they included the information needed.


  1. Have you used this with your class? It sounds like a good idea, how did it work?

  2. It worked pretty well. Some of the students were focused more on decorating their paper, than looking for the facts. So I would change that for next time, but I liked this lesson.


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