Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Marzano Lesson- Cooperative Learning

Combining Marzano with Kagan- I use cooperative learning structures for all subjects in my 5th grade classroom.

Part 1- Read any text- fiction or non-fiction. Do this whole class or in small groups. Whichever way you do this, students need to be seated in cooperative groups.

Part 2- When reading is completed pose a surface level question. Have the students do a Round Robin ( each student has to take a turn in the small group to share their thoughts). When all students in all groups have had a chance to speak, restate the question and then pull a stick to get individual student responses. ( They have already had a chance to form or hear an answer in their groups- so reluctant students or slow processors have something to draw on). I usually pull sticks for as many small groups as we have to get an overall feel for all students learning.

Part 3- Ask a higher order thinking question about the text and repeat as in Step 2. Repeat as much as needed to discuss the important details of the text.

Closure: Restate what has been shared and praise students for sharing their thinking.


  1. Thanks for the idea. I also use cooperative learning in my 5th grade class so I appreciate the lesson.

  2. With the classroom sizes of today, it is almost remiss of us to not utilize cooperative learning. In my 8th grade language arts classroom, my class sizes often hover just below 40. Cooperative learning is not a luxury, but a necessity.


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