Sunday, May 23, 2010

Walden Chapter I only

Sorry guys but this is a complex book. I believe this chapter is an attack on the American Lifestyle along with Thoreau's alternative solution. I know that in this chapter he is introducing himself and going on in describing the self-defence behaviour of his town.
The freedom that he pursue in the book about living the life we want to live is evident. I love the four necessities of life that is suggested by him in the book. I also found interesting that he says that it is easy to acquire them but the most important point is to focus on the personal growth after that. I love the benefit from his advice as explained in the book. Very well described and persuasive.
Clothing and shelter seam to be very important in the book, he talks about the fact that the civilization ought to be making better people out of us, but it enslaves the successful people and degrades the poor. Isn't this interesting? I love the emphasis put on the spiritual growth instead.
The discussion of the cabin wich eventually leads to the discussion of architecture. This is so interesting the way he approaches the college students by saying that they should build their own residences more easily than they could rent them. I believe this is an attack to the division of labor, and he goes on criticizing the modern improvements, specially the railroad. Comparing and contrasting is so alive in this part of the book.
Did you folks noticed the way he criticizes the farmers' methods? He is so interesting when he looks to his own diet and discusses food, then his furniture, and property in general. He also talks about his economic system and how it benefits him and it could benefit others. I love the criticism of the poor imposed on us and the fact that he explains why he doesn't devote to charity. What a vision.

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